How do I keep in touch with families?
Use Flocknote--a platform for quick and efficient communication, via email or text, with the parents of your students. Staff will maintain the communication groups for you (no more missing someone due to a typo or forgetting to add the new family.) You are a member of "All Catechists," Catechists at your class time (such as "Sun AM Cats"), and Catechists at your grade level (such as "Gr 3 Cats"). You are a member of your class time group (such as "SUN AM ALL") and your own class (such as "Sun AM 3A") You can send messages to your fellow grade level catechists, and you can view contact information and send messages to your class. Click to log in and start using Flocknote. Click here to view a Quick Start Guide to get you rolling. And definitely ask for help if you need it!!
What are the arrival and dismissal procedures?
When you arrive, stop by the office to pick up your attendance folder and any other class supplies needed. Head up to your classroom to begin setting up. Children in grades 3 and under should be brought to the classroom door by a parent. In grades 4-6, children may be dropped off by their parents and walk to class on their own. See the CFF Parent Handbook for more details on what is expected for arrival and dismissal.
Once children begin to arrive, it is ideal for one catechist to be at the door to greet the children and families to welcome them to class. Ask children to go to the restroom and get water before class begins. It’s a good idea to have a gathering activity (such as a discussion or journaling prompt written on the board, paper/pencil word game, coloring sheet, or small puzzles or activities) so that the children have something to focus their attention while their classmates arrive, attendance is taken, etc.
At dismissal, children in grades 3 and under are to be picked up at the door by a parent. (Some parents will request exceptions to this rule, but they must discuss with me first. I will have them write a note to keep on file in your attendance folder. Without written permission, do not let children leave the room unless a parent is there to pick them up.) Children in grades 4-6 may leave the class on their own IF they know where they are supposed to meet their parents.
What if I need supplies or copies for my class?
CFF stocks many office, school, and art supplies for catechists to use in class, and we are also glad to order items for special projects with advanced notice. General supplies like writing/coloring implements, glue sticks, and scissors are included in the shared supplies in the cabinet of each classroom. If you need other items, please email Diana [email protected] with supply/copy requests by Friday noon for Sunday classes and noon the day of for weekday classes. Of course, if you can plan ahead and make requests earlier, that is helpful and appreciated!
What if I’m running late to class or need to leave early?
Catechists are asked to arrive about 15 minutes before class start time to pick up your attendance folder, any supplies needed, get things set up in your room, and be available to greet children and families as they arrive. Catechists can also expect to stay around five minutes after the class end time for cleanup and dismissal. Some catechist teams plan to meet earlier or stay longer to plan and prepare for their upcoming classes. That said, we understand this is not always possible. At least one catechist must arrive at least 5 to 10 minutes before the class start time. (Think about the perspective of the parent and child who arrive and no one is there to greet and welcome them!) Anytime there is only one catechist in the room with children, the door should be propped open, and the Safety Monitor should be made aware. Same if a catechist must leave a few minutes early (to serve at Mass in a liturgical ministry for instance)—prop the door open and let the Safety Monitor know. Catechists should avoid being with a child one on one. If your co-catechist is not present, and your first student arrives, engage the parent in a brief conversation or stand in the doorway until another student or adult arrives.
What if I can’t be in class at all for some reason?
Substitute catechists are available and catechists are responsible for arranging their own subs. I find that contacting individuals via text gets the fastest response. Consult the list of approved/qualified substitutes in your yellow attendance folder—others may not be with your class unless approved by CFF staff ahead of time. There are copies of the sub list for each catechist to take home, and one copy to leave in the folder. As soon as you know you must be out please communicate with CFF staff and your co catechist, and let us know who will be covering for you. For a last-minute absence due to illness or emergency, contact CFF Staff and we will help you arrange a sub or cancel your class if needed.
What if the parents are late picking up their child?
Both catechists stay in the classroom until all children have been picked up. If any children remain and you need to leave, please bring the children to the CFF office. Staff will supervise them and contact parents if needed.
Who does what?
Catechists teach in teams of two. Depending on the experience and preference of each person, responsibilities are shared in a variety of ways:
Alternating: in this arrangement, each catechist is responsible for planning, preparing, and leading the class on alternating days. When it is your co-catechists turn to lead, you are present as an assistant, and vice versa.
Team teaching: each catechist is responsible for planning preparing and leading specific segments of each class. One might present the chapter content at each class, while the other leads prayer and plans a craft or game for each class. Both teachers teach or lead a portion of each class, and assist the other as needed.
Leader/Assistant: in this arrangement, a more experienced catechist may plan, prepare, and lead the majority of the content at every class, while the other is present to assist.
Regardless of how a catechist team decides to share the responsibilities for their class, there should be clear, open, honest, and frequent communication about how things are working and ways to continually improve the experience for yourselves and the children and families.
What are the attendance procedures?
Attendance is taken at each class and attendance records are considered legal documents for liability insurance purposes. The yellow attendance folder is to be with you in the room during class, and stored in your class box in the office between classes. Please follow the codes shown in the attendance folders when recording attendance each time. Do not leave any blank spaces! If you have questions, please let us know, and we will clarify the procedures.
Questions I'm working on:
May we serve food in class, or give treats?
What if the students are not engaged in class?
What if we are having behavior issues in class?
May we use supplemental content or materials in the class?
How can we set the class up for success at the beginning of the year, or reset during the year if needed?
What are some strategies for making the learning more fun? Reading strategies?